Adult Quarterly Beneficiary Reports

Trend | USA MHS | All Users | Health Care Rating

Composite Scores Health Care Rating
Beneficiary Category April 2021 October 2021 January 2022 Rate of Change*
Benchmark 73 73 72 0
All Users 61b 58b 55b -2b
Prime Enrollees 58b 54b 52b -2b
Enrollees with Military PCM 55b 49b 47b -3b
Enrollees with Civilian PCM 72 70 71 -1
Select Enrollees 73 72 67b -2
Purchased Care Users 72 72 68b -1
Active Duty 51b 47b 44b -2b
Active Duty Dependents 65b 59b 57b -3b
Retirees and Dependents 72 70 70 -1

Source: January 2022 Health Care Survey of DOD Beneficiaries

The reference period is the preceding 12 months.

a Indicates score significantly exceeds benchmark

b Indicates score significantly falls short of benchmark

* Estimated Quarterly Rate of Change