DHA Form 338, Innovation Intake, APR 2023
The Defense Health Agency (DHA) Form 338, Innovation Intake (hereinafter “DHA Form 338”), collects personally identifiable information about individuals to facilitate the retention of highly Innovation ideals and project.
Privacy Advisory:
This Privacy Advisory serves to inform you of the purpose for collecting personal information and how that information will be used. This system contains Privacy Act information, which is covered by the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 5 U.S.C. Section 552a, and it must be protected from unauthorized access or use. The DHA collects personally identifiable information to facilitate recruitment and retention of highly qualified Innovative project. The provision of the requested information is voluntary; however, failure to fully provide the requested information, and failure to comply with all terms and conditions, may negatively affect DHA’s decision-making related to the request as well as impact DHA’s ability to review an individual’s form request for approved.
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