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Military Health System

Hurricane Milton & Hurricane Helene

Emergency procedures are in place in multiple states due to Hurricane Milton & Hurricane Helene. >>Learn More

9/11 Memories - Army Col. (Dr.) Geoffrey G. Grammer

Image of Army Col. (Dr.) Geoffrey G. Grammer, Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center director. Army Col. (Dr.) Geoffrey G. Grammer, Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center director

I was at Walter Reed in 2001; saw the Pentagon burning from the window. There was a fair amount of uncertainty for the role of behavioral health during the crisis. My mentor, Dr. Harold Wain, rose from uncertainty, commandeered a hospital van and driver, and took me with him to Arlington Hospital, Virginia, where we visited with victims on the ward and as they rolled in the door. It was bizarre how quickly we were assimilated into the care teams. It set the tone for the entire war for having embedded behavioral health assets as part of the acute trauma team. Eventually the work was published in a journal publication and a book chapter...but it all started with that day.

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Last Updated: July 11, 2023
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