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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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US Medical Clinic, Bldg 208
Post Box 624020
Geilenkirchen 52511

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852nd Medical Squadron website


Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 3rd Wednesday of the Month: 8:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Pharmacy, Lab, and Radiology are closed from 12:30 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. every day.

852nd Medical Squadron

The mission of the 852nd Medical Squadron is to support NATO, the Department of Defense and family members while providing combat-ready Airmen to the nation's fight. The squadron is located on Geilenkirchen NATO Air Base, outside the town of Teveren, Germany. 

We are committed to operational readiness, outstanding customer service, and always delivering world-class health care.  

  • You can see for yourself how well we are doing. 
  • Click on one of the links to learn how we measure our performance.


  • One measure is not an indication of a facility's quality. Sometimes a smaller population can make a measure move pretty drastically from quarter to quarter, so don't be alarmed if you see a dip or a spike.
  • If there is no data included with the description of the measures below, it may be because your facility doesn't offer that particular service or treatment.
  • Some data is reported every month or quarter and some is reported once a year. Occasionally, a measure is no longer used. But we continue to provide the data from past years as a reference.
  • The dates we report data may vary by measure. Measuring quality, safety, access and patient experience requires time to ensure data is valid and accurate.
  • We report the same Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) used by many civilian health care practices to monitor quality of care provided in the MHS. Before posting HEDIS data, a National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) certified auditor reviews and approves the measure process and data.
  • We report some of the measures in Calendar Year (CY) and some measures in Fiscal Year (FY). Calendar years begin on January 1st. Fiscal years begin on October 1st.
  • If you have questions, please contact the Patient Administration office at your military medical treatment facility or a beneficiary counseling and assistance coordinator

Download Spreadsheet of Metrics  Download Archived Measure Metrics  New MTF Search


Last Updated: January 30, 2025
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