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Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

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Periodic Health Assessment

The Periodic Health Assessment is a screening tool used by the armed forces to evaluate the individual medical readiness of their service members. It can be conducted alone or can be combined with other individual medical readiness needs (e.g., dental exam and immunizations). Completed annually, the PHA consists of the following components for the service member:

  • A self-reported health status
  • Measurement and documentation of vitals (height, weight, blood pressure)
  • Vision screening
  • Review of current medical conditions with health care provider
  • Focused exam of identified conditions (as required)
  • Cardiovascular Screening Program Services (as required)
  • Recommendations for improvement of identified health conditions
  • Behavioral health screen
  • Laboratory services (as required)
  • Immunizations (as required)

PHAs can be performed virtually (telehealth), in-clinic, or in group events. To schedule your annual DOD PHA virtually or in-clinic, you must register with the RHRP vendor. You can register online via the RHRP portal: or call center at 1-833-782-RHRP (1-833-782-7477). Service members will have the opportunity to schedule appointments and receive notifications via text messages or email. Whenever possible, appointments are scheduled within 50 miles of the service member's residence or home station.

Eligibility for a PHA is based upon service component guidance to the RHRP. 

Changes to PHA Part A: Army Personnel Only

For ARNG, USAR, and Army Active Component TPR Only. The PHA Part A will need to be completed through the Army system of record—the Medical Operational Data System (MODS). When ready to complete your PHA Part A, you will need a computer with internet connection and a CAC reader and visit MODS at

For additional information on how to access MODS to complete your PHA Part A, please refer to the "Soldier's Guide to Completing the Online PHA Questionnaire."

Last Updated: July 11, 2023
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